Wow my life has been turned upside down with these crazy hives since Friday morning. So as I have already blogged, my hives started Friday morning, went to ER Saturday morning, they pretty much went away on Saturday, and woke up Sunday and they were back. Well, I woke up Monday morning in Manchester with it breaking out on my face, not only on my face but a welt right beside my eye. It sent my into a tizzy and crying fits. I was so upset. That was the absolute last thing that I wanted to happen. I cried for about an hour saying I was going home then after thinking about it myself wondering if it would do me any good and then good ol' Heather suggested it again and got me thinking more about it, I decided on going to Dr. Smith. I did not want to pay the extra money being unsure if he would do the same thing the hospital done or if he could do more since I had already spent $80 on ER Copay and fixing to pay $20 more dollars on Dr. Smith copay. Anywho, after breaking down and going I was waiting there for doors to open, could not wait to get this stuff gone. He evaluated me and agreed that it was hives and agreed with the Epi shot the hospital gave but was unsure of why they did not give me a steroid shot with a steroid pack to take. The epi shot was a quick fix but only short term to how the Steroids are a long term fix. He gave me the shot and said it should be out of my body and gone with in 24 hours. This was the best news I had heard in hmm let me think about it, FOREVER. lol. Then he said to take the steroid dose pack that he prescribed just in case it did not get rid of it. That would finish pushing it out of my system since it is a 6 day prescription. Anywho. I was exhausted after not sleeping due to this crap so went back to Manchester and took a nap. Woke up and low and behold it was almost gone. Not much at all was left. By the time I got home it was gone. I was so happy. Well around 11 that night I had slightly broke back out but nothing bad and I though well it will just go away. NO I WAS SO VERY WRONG. I went to bed around 4am on Monday and woke up numerous times scratching. I was scratching before I was even awake. It was rediculous. Well by 7:30 am it had already woke me up so many times I decided to get up and take my medicine and look how bad it was. Yes it was all over my body yet again. On my face, neck and everywhere. I laid in bed and just cried till Dr. Smith office opened up for me to call and see what to do about the uncontrollable itching. Itching so bad that it hurt if that makes since. Trent rolls over out of a dead sleep worried about me cause I am crying. He though someone had called and gave me bad news or something till I broke out the no I got this horrible itchy CRAP again thing on him. Call Dr office and he is a little more concerned with it now since it has just went away and came back again. Really thinking it is something I have came in contact with since that has happened. I have not a clue what it could be because I am being very careful about what I am doing and where I am and what I am around. Well, I now can not use any sprays, no fabric softeners, etc etc etc, for a few weeks till we can find out what is causing it. I know this is horribly disqusting but I was broke out so bad yesterday on my arm pits that I could not even use deoderant. Yes it was horrible. Anyways, Dr is going to run a thyroid test on me because if your thyroid is out of whack, it can cause hives. Until we get results back I will just continue to be very cautious of what I am doing and such. Here is a story concerning the hives that I can laugh at now but I was OH SO PISSED when it had happened. Yesterday I was broke out pretty bad on my neck however me and Trent had things to do so I didn't have much of an option of going out. No I didn't have to but wanted to go with Trent to do what was needed to be done. I had already been to walmart looking like absolute crap so I decided I would atleast halfway do something with my hair (without any hair products) and I put on makeup (yes I know I shouldn't have but I was thinking the looks of my face may take away from my neck somewhat). Me and Trent go to get his hair cut and I notice this woman staring at me and would not quit. Not onlly was she staring but she made EYE CONTACT NUMEROUS TIMES. I was paranoid anyways cause I know it looks like crap but then she proceeds to turn to someone and they are talking then I hear them say "she really should not be out in town looking like that". That pissed me off so bad. I jumped up from my chair and told Trent the stupid (choice word) lady was talking about me and told him what she said. I got the keys from him and went to sit in the car. After sitting in the car for litterally maybe an minute and a half I started thinking boy that was stupid you should not be in this sun getting sweaty, that makes you break out worst. I walk back in and Trent and Ashley (the hair dresser) are questioning the people talking about me. Trent asked if I was not gonna sit in the car and I explained to him that I am not supposed to be in the sun and getting sweaty that I was not gonna make it worst due to immature people running their mouth when they where not the most attractive person themselves. Anywho, they swear they were not talking about me that they were talking about someone else wearing a bathing suit. 1) the woman was staring directly at me and 2) the stupid hepher made eye contact with me NUMEROUS times. It was a bit obvious that she was talking about me. Yes the other lady might not have been but the one that made eye contact there was no doubt about it. Needless to say I was very upset and embarrased as it was. I did not need people talking about me. I woke up today with a few very tiny spots on me however have kept taking my meds like needed and Thank God, tonight they seem to all be gone. Please keep all this mess in your Prayers that it goes away and that the test results on my thyroid come back ok.
Enough about the hives. After leaving the hair place, we went to Walmart. While we were in Walmart, we hear all this yelling and commotion so I tell Trent to go get them and check it out. We just continued to look for what we was wanting then it kept getting louder and louder so Trent took off and I grabbed the buggy and took off. We found the problem at the front of the store. Someone was shop lifting and was denying everything. Trent walks up to them flops out his badge and gets to the bottom of it while dude is still denying it all. It was so funny to sit back and watch. It was funny but also somewhat nerve wracking becuase Trent and myself both thought that he was gonna have to fight the kid. Yeah go figure it was a juvenille punk and his brother. Anywho, Trent was fixing to call to get a city officer there to arrest the kid and finally when Trent pulled out his phone the boy came back inside and paid for it.
We were originally in Walmart looking for a new comforter. Ours was getting really messed up becuase we always slept with it. I finally convinced Trent your not supposed to sleep with comforters cause it does mess them up so we went looking and got a new one. We ended up finding ours at TJ Max for pretty cheap. We got the whole set for $99 and it was a 24 piece set. Plust we also got just a plain brown blanket to cover up with so we don't ruin this comforter set. Here are some pictures of it.

It is very shimmery looking. I never have liked the solid stripes look but I loved this set.
If you look at it from the side it kinda has a burnt orange look in some spots. You can't tell much but if ya look at the bottom you can kinda tell. It came with the curtains also. It also has valances that have the stripes like on the comforter but we will have to buy some new rods that hold valences to hang those. I can't wait to hang those cause I think it will look much better once those get up.
Anywho, to another subject. Trent finally got home from Omaha on Monday night and I was so glad to see him. We definately say our vacations without each other are over. We can not wait to go to Atlanta and have the night away to ourselves.

Here is just a picture of Trent and his dad in Omaha.
I reckon that is all for now. Sorry this was such a long crazy blog.