Anyways, since last time, we have gotten a walkway and then edged the opposite side of the walkway and our house looks great now. Still a few things to do but nothing more that needs immediate attention. Here are some before pictures
This was before anything at all was done to the house. This is what it looked like when we bought it. Nice, cute home but just blah, needs some outside work.
Finally 3 years later, here is our wonderful lovely home that is no longer just blah on the outside. Landscaping, walkway, edging, door painted. Looks fabulous now.
As much as I love and miss my family, I love absolutely everything about our home. I could honestly see me living in this house for the rest of my life.
On to more things. Really there has not been a whole lot going on. The only thing that seems to be going on in our lives right now are 1 doctors appointment right after another. Geez, I really cant wait for all these doctor appointments to end. When I was younger, I was tested for allergies and we knew I had horrible outdoor allergies but I was recently retested and yes I am SEVERELY allergic to outdoors. I have started allergy shots and I am now on the once a week. I am so very proud of myself though cause they told me if I can do it 3 times in front of them, I can take them home and do them myself. Well time number 1, I totally freaked out holding the needle saying I cant do it, I cant do it and well the second time, I totally done it like a pro. I really think I can do this. I only have to do it one more time in front of them and I get to do it myself from now on which is so much more convenient then driving 3o minutes just to get 1 quick shot.
Hmm for other appointments, I wont go into details but as everyone knows, me and Trent has been going to the doctor for fertility reasons. We have now been trying for a year and 2 months and with all the testing for this it is definitely a very interesting road to follow. I have already been for 1 test which came back not bad but not good either so next up is Trent to get tested in August and me to also get another test in August. Good thing about my next test coming up is supposedly it can possibly make you more fertile for the next 3 months following. Lets pray to God and hope this really helps with us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as this is a very difficult thing to go through.
I have lately been learning how to deal with the stresses and everyday annoyances in life and I have totally changed my outlook and attitude on things. I feel like over the past month, I have become such a better person learning how to deal with things. As the trials me and Trent are going through it definitely makes it a little tougher but overall, I am extremely proud of myself for finally getting to the point that I have.
Everything in the Haddock house has really been going great. We really cant complain other than our one little road to travel. It really is a learning experience and we just have to stay strong through it. We are getting ready to go to St Louis next week and most definitely can NOT wait to get away with each other and just be able to let everything go. I reckon this is all I can really think of updating on now but hopefully I will stay on top of things a little better from here on out. (I wouldn't get your hopes up on that one though, lol)