Nothing new going on with us. Trent and his shift at work had some pictures taken yesterday which I will post once we get them. Things have changed a little as far as my job goes. The 27th was supposed to be my last day at Baptist but as of today, that has changed to this Friday. I will be starting Columbia next week. On Monday, I go in that morning to meet everyone and go over policies and procedures blah blah blah and then on Tuesday and Wednesday we will actually start doing test studies so everyone can learn the system. Luckily the system is Alice which is what I trained on so I am familiar with it just have to learn how to do the reports on it. After that, starting the week of September 1st, I will be working Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It is nice becuase on Saturdays, I will get paid an extra $2.50 and hour. This however, will not be my permenant schedule. What will happen is one month I work that schedule and then then next month it rotates and I will work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. That will be a nice schedule that way the same crew is not having to work every weekend but at the same time every other month you get the benefits of working Saturdays by getting paid extra.
I reckon that is all for now. Nothing nuch going on here just trying to stay busy.
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