Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

I have had a lot of things going on in my happy little world that I have got to come to peace with. I read this Serenity Prayer and everything is so true. I need to be able to look back at this when times start getting hard because there are definitely things that I totally do not understand and need to constantly be reminded that sometimes you just can't change things and you need to leave it all up to God to handle for you.

Last weekend we had a Wonderful Surprise 30th Anniversary Party for mom and dad. We were so very lucky to have every person in the family to attend except for 5 people some of which were sick and live out of town. First of all, THANK EVERYONE so much for coming and making their day everything we had hoped and planned for it to be. Now back to the story, my cousin Mary, her husband and their beautiful baby girl Hope were able to come in from NC and she was also our Photographer for the day (pictures will come later when we get them back). Will not say much on this topic for Mary sake but me and her were able to have a nice and kinda lengthy conversation about it being difficult getting pregnant and how it can just make you mad at the world, everyone and everything. As some of you know, this month was a year of us trying. Mary also had a difficult time and in talking to her and another friend, I think that this is where some of my hostility and hard feelings are coming from. I don't understand how people can have children and not want them, love them, spend time with them, give them that love and affection, and everything else wonderful that goes along with having a little one and here we are wanting one so bad. Not only that, it is just making me so frustrated so easily with little things such as laziness, carelessness, irresponsibility, etc. I guess you can see the list just goes on and on. In saying all this, I just ask you all to Pray for me and help me get through this time of such negativity in my life. I hate feeling this way and don't really understand why, saying that normally I am a happy person.

It really sounds like I have so much negativity and I know I do also have positive in my life so On a positive note, I know I have an absolutely AMAZING HUSBAND and most WONDERFUL MARRIAGE EVER and that is absolutely all I could really ask for. I have said several times, I never knew Marriage would be this easy and this good. I know marriage has its speed bumps you have to cross but I never imagined it would be this easy. Maybe it is just cause I got that one in a million Man that made everything so great. Trent Justin I love you more than anything in this entire world. Thank you so much for being so understanding and loving when I have my hard times and as bad as I hate to say it, Thank you for making me laugh when all I want to do is cry. You are Aaaaahhhh-mazing. I love you Babe.

Mom, dad, Amber, Jack, Colton, Ricky, Linda, Leah, and Scott - Y'all are the most amazing family anyone could ever ask for. There is an abundance of love flowing through the family and I am so very Thankful that we have each and every one of you. With the love and support of our families, we can do anything.

Also on another happy note. We are having landscaping done Tuesday. We have been at our house for 3 years in July and we are finally doing landscaping. We are so excited because we know this is just going to make the house look tons better. Can't wait.

Sorry for my little rampage and venting session here. I hope my Serenity Prayer can help someone else out here.


Smith1230 said...


Shannon Hairr said...

It always seems like the people who have problems getting pregnant would make the BEST parents! We'll be praying for you guys!!