Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Help me figure this one out!!!

This afternoon I was getting ready to meet Trent in town and eat with him and I heard this odd noise. I waited a little while before looking out because at first it just sounded like a helicoptor. It then started sounding funny so I finally looked out the window a couple minutes later and this is what I saw.

If you will look to the right and left of the big plane, you can see something coming from the bottom.

Sorry this picture is grainy but it is zoomed in more. Look at the thing on the left that was coming out of the big plane, the helicoptor now has it and then the one on the right is hanging down lower now.

I know I am so crazy but the curiosity is about to kill me. What in the world was they doing? They flew right by my house going very slow and they were flying really low too. I would love to know what was going on.
Edited: Ok, good ol' Heather commented and told me what it was and then Trent is at work but finally got a chance to look at it and he agreed so I got my answer. The plane was refueling mid air. Pretty cool. Thanks my Heather Dawn Love Smith. Oughta known you would have came through for me.


Smith1230 said...

Looks like refueling midair- seen something like that from a movie before.

The Haddock's said...

Ah, how interesting. Didn't think of that. One thing I forgot to mention was they were flying like they could be headed toward a small airport in Mt Pleasant so I didnt know if they were maybe going to land there. But, the refueling thing makes perfect sense.