Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Poor Baby!

I must admit. I am a pathetic pet lover now. I hated to drop my baby off to get neutered today. I didn't want to leave him. I never thought it would be that way. Anywho. Surgery went well, but when we picked him up he is still groggy. He is his same normal self as far as going to everyone and that tail going crazy but you can tell he is super groggy still. And something we noticed was totally different was usually as soon as the car door opens, he is in in a heartbeat. Well, when trying to leave the vet, he would not get in the car. He kept walking away. We have come to the conclusion we think it is cause it hurts him to climb in but that was still very odd. He loves to go on rides. Well the baby went through surgery so he had to get something out of it. We got him a new blanket for his chair and a new treat. His treat is a really thick bone that taste like roast beef. Yeah he spoiled. Here are some pictures of the baby after surgery.

In the car after leaving the vets office. He is chewing on his new bone treat.

Daddy loving on him when we got home.

Poor baby, he just has that I am so pitiful look on his face. He just a resting right after we got home.

With discharge instructions, it says that it will probably be difficult for Bullet but we have to try to restrict exercising, jumping, and strenuous activity for 3 weeks. What? Just for being neutered. Who ever knew that? I sure didn't. Anywho, this will be very difficult for a 7 month old spoiled rotten black lab but I guess we will try the best we can. We also have to keep him from scratching or licking at his sutures. With an allergic dog, keeping him from licking and scratching, near impossible. We got him a collar thing that is like a lampshade on him. We have not used it yet and I prefer not to but we got it just in case. He also got another allergy shot while there today because of his over obsessive scratching making him go bald in spots.

Just wanted to update everyone on the baby. Again, he is doing fine overall, just groggy. Right now he is laying on my legs sleeping on the couch with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My poor baby!!!!! He needs his granny there with him. He looks so sad sitting there in his chair He'll be up and running in no time. Just give him a big hug for me. Love ya'll Mama