Friday, February 13, 2009

Rat on Crack

So yesterday was my first day trying out my new meds. Last night I did not seem to be all chattery and everything but I was wide awake. I am used to yawning litterally like 100 times a night and did not yawn not even 1 time last night. I was actually quiet at work but I assume it was just because I am a quiet person when I do not know you extremely well. I will talk, just not be myself. Well this morning I got off work and called Trent and was going 100 mile an hour with my mouth. He said that the medicine is making me sound like a Rat on Crack. I was all talkative, crazy and wide awake. It was amazing. I was still so awake once I got home, I thought oh I will just go ahead and take my shower for the day. I took an Ambien to give it time to work while in shower and drying my hair. Note to myself, bad idea for future. As I was drying my hair approx 30 minutes after taking the Ambien, I started falling asleep. Yes in the middle of drying my hair. Laugh at me as you may, my hubby does all the time but when I am getting ready, I sit in the bathroom sink. So it was quiet the site to see me sitting in the sink, drying my hair, and falling asleep. It was even funnier to see me trying to walk to the bed after it was done. I stumbled to the bed, walking like a drunk, fell into it and then realized I did not have the fan on. Oh then the humor really started, as I tried getting out of bed and was walking over to the light switch, I was swaying back and forth and could hardly stand. I texted Trent and told him the way I was walking and acting, he would have wanted to run a BA on me. Needless to say when I hit the bed, that was it for me. Anywho, I know not to do that anymore.

I talked to the Doctor this morning about the effects of me taking this medicine while trying to get pregnant and he said he personally did not see it to be a problem, he never has. However, said that I should not take his advice due to most Gyn wanting you to quit all meds once pregnant. I will talk to my doctor when that time comes and probably quit taking them then. I also talked to him about Provigil increasing chances of getting pregnant. He said that I does increase chances of getting pregnant because it increases the enzymes in the liver which eats away the Estrogen formed by the Birth Control which makes it sometimes not as effective. However, he said he has never heard of it happening even though it is the possibility.

On a different note, we are getting more and more ready for Boston, I finally last night ordered our Sweatshirts for the game. We can not wait.

Just a little funny. When they changed our unit, they told me (because I was the one home and Trent wasn't) that we may still smell some burning due to all the oils from the new unit not being burnt off yet. We only had it on for a few hours after it being put in than turned it off. Last night, Trent turned it on and called me and said what does the unit smell like? I said oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, they said it may have a burnt smell. He says no, it smells like waffles, no not waffles I mean syrup. K maybe it just me but I found it so funny because he swears our new unit smells like syrup.

Any who, that enough of an update for now.

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