Monday, October 31, 2011

IUI = Not Today

Well, today did not go as expected.  Even though I detected ovulation last night, we still had the ultrasound just to be on the safe side.  It was a good thing we did because I had not actually ovulated yet.  They said it probably detected an ovulation surge because I am so close to ovulation but not quiet yet.  They said of course the ovulation test is not 100% accurate but it is definitely something good to use especially over the weekends to make sure we don't miss anything. 

Anyways, the ultrasound showed that we only had 1 good egg follicle this time.  Again, they look for the follicles to be at least 18mm and the good one was measuring in at 24.5mm therefore it was a pretty good sized one.  We are a little nervous saying that last time we had 3 good eggs but we are feeling pretty good about it at the same time since it is a pretty big one.  They made it sound like I had a couple more follicles however they were all small and no where near big enough to even count. 

Today, I got the HSG trigger shot Ovidrel and tomorrow, we will return for the IUI.  This morning, we were so excited because we thought we were going to have it done today.  We CAN'T WAIT for tomorrow, we are so excited to be getting to try it again.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. 

We will update everyone again tomorrow on how everything goes then. 

Don't forget, tomorrow I will also be starting the 25 days of posting something we are thankful for.

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