K this post is nothing but pictures and explanations of what the picture is. Hope ya enjoy.

Before makeup. Please excuse wet head.

Old Make up.

After with new makeup. (BareMinerals)
Kendra had been telling me just how wonderful her makeup is and how she would recommend it to anyone. As I was talking to her about this, Ashley says yeah I wear that makeup. Well Ashley makeup never looks bad and Kendra so highly recommended it so of course what did I do? Went and spent way too much money but I ordered some myself. I was talking to Leah last night and she had informed me that she also wears it and hers never looks bad either. Well, I just got it in today and of course immediately had to try it on. Please excuse the hair, busy, crazy day and no time to fix it but here is the testing of my new make up. I love love love it. You can most definitely see it better in person but it definately looks better than no makeup and looks better than the old cheap stuff too. I also noticed that it hides the freckles. I love that. Trent loves the new makeup however he hated it at the wedding because he thought I was darker than him so now is jelous because he says once again I look darker than him. The makeup has what is called Warmth which helps to give you a tanner look.

Bullet was laying on his chair and I was extremely tired so I decided to lay down and cuddle with him. I love this dog.

He decided he would just get comfy himself and lay on my chest. He is so darn rotten but that could be because I treat him just like a child.

We gave him a bath before we went to Manchester this weekend and I finally realized how Trent bathes Bullet outside. He ties him up with his leash to the front of his patrol car. Poor baby. He was looking at me as if he was saying "Please help me mommy, daddy is torturing me."

Here is my baby being a good boy in the back seat on the way to Manchester. He still loves to ride and has done it since the day we got him.

Here we are right after decorating Aunt
Joyce's car. We hung streamers, tied cans, and wrote on the windows. We did not have enough time to take pictures of this and after I post the rest of these pics I will explain why. But here it is a dark picture and if ya can't tell, we are all holding our fingers over our mouth like
ssshhhhhhhhh be very very quiet.
After doing the car, we went around town, stole some signs and put them in her yard. Yes they are busted in action. Well not really cause I took the picture but they later knew who it was, stayed tuned for the last picture to find out how.

Last name is now Huddleston so they got a Huddle house sign in their yard

Here is the Now Open sign and you cant really see it but there is a Construction cone behind her car.

We did not get a picture of this in the yard but we put it on the mailbox.
K here is the explanations I told you to wait for. We had a blast doing all of this. We parked down the road and ran up to her house and done all of this and ran back to the vehicle and drove off. While we were doing all of this, their bedroom light was on. As we were driving off, we decided to honk the horn and roll down the windows and scream to the top of our lungs, that is how they knew who we were. Yeah we are dummies. Well after we drove off, we forgot we did not even get pictures so we were stupid enough to turn around park the car yet again, sneak back up there and get the picture with our finger over our mouth. That is all we had time for then ran back off. Oh yeah and when we went back this time we had to be extremely sneaky because we had already honked and yelled and then as we were pulling back up down the road we saw all the lights go off. Yes we are sneaky sneaky because after we left from taking pictures, we still returned back to the house 3 more times to put the signs in the yard. Yeah we are trouble what can we say.

K this is the last picture for the blog but absolutely had to post it. This baby is B-E-A-U-tiful. I love this baby way too much. I could only hope mine is this precious. Love love love this girl.
K that is it. Hope you enjoyed.
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