Monday, April 20, 2009

What not to say to a Cops Wife!!!

I read this somewhere and just had to post it. I just find it humerus because the most of it if not all of it is so very true.

What NOT to Say to a Police Wife

1. "Aren't you afraid that he'll be killed?"
Of course we are terrified. The thought always lingers at the back of our minds-- but thanks, you just brought it back to the front. Maybe next you can go ask someone with cancer if they're scared of dying..

2. "I don't know how you manage. I don't think I could do it."
It's not like all of us law enforcement wives have been dreaming since childhood of the day we'd get to be anxious single moms who carry cell phones with us to the bathrooms when our husbands are on duty or out on a dangerous domestic disturbance call. We're not made of some mysterious matter that makes us more capable, we just got asked/told to take on a challenging job and we rose to the challenge.

3. "At least he's not in Iraq."
You know, you're right. He's NOT in Iraq. He's in my YOUR town...waging a battle against crackheads, drug dealers, prostitutes, child molesters, murderers, gang bangers, and people who don't think twice before harming or killing another person, especially a police officer. Don't get me wrong, though, I am very glad he gets to come home to me after a hard days/nights work, rather than being away for months at a time. Oh, and did you forget a lot of ex-military, who HAVE served in Iraq, are now law enforcement officers?

4. "Do you think he'll get to be off work for Christmas/ Anniversary/ Birthday/ Birth of Child/ Wedding/ Family reunion, Etc? Can't he just take off work?"
Do you think that the crackheads, drug dealers, prostitutes, child molesters, murderers, gang bangers, rapists, and all the other law breakers care that it's Christmas, our anniversary, my birthday, the day our child is about to be born, my cousin's wedding, our family reunion or any other holiday? No. Oh, and taking off work means that his shift will be down a person, meaning someone doesn't have a partner, or back-up. He could take off, if he really wanted too, but sometimes his loyalty to the badge and his brothers is more important.

5. "What's the best way to get out of a ticket? Can he get me out of a ticket?"
The best way to get out of a ticket is simple. Don't break the law. And no, he's not going to get you out of a ticket. Let that ticket serve as a warning that not everyone gets away with just a ticket. time you run that red light or are driving 100 mph down the interstate...think of the people that have died because their cars lost control or because someone else hit them. Believe it or not, he actually has your safety and the safety of others in mind.

6. "Why did he decide to become a cop? Surely he could find something less dangerous to do to make him happy."
I don't know! Why did your husband decide to become a banker? Cops have law enforcement coursing through their veins from the minute they're born. It's something in their blood that they are just supposed to do. Taking away his ability to be a police officer would be like me taking away your child...he'd have a big gaping hole that couldn't be filled and he'd NEVER be happy.

7. "Dealing with his crazy schedules/job hazards shouldn't be so bad, now that you're used to it."
Sure we learn coping skills and we figure out ways to make life go smoother while our officers are at work. But it never gets easier and the bullets don't skip over our guys just because they've been been working the same zone for a few years. The worry never goes away.

8. "My husband had to work a couple of crazy late night shifts at the office last month. I totally know what you're going through."
Do not equate your husband's overtime to our husbands working in a crime infested neighborhood night after night, being faced with violence, drugs, and death. Besides the obvious difference that one or two hours at the office after a lazy day reclined in a chair staring at a computer is nothing like a shift on the road, for one nobody shot at your husband or threatened his safety. Your husband could call home pretty much any time he wanted to, doesn't have to arm himself with two guns, a bullet proof vest, a taser, pepper spray and a hidden knife for his personal safety, and didn't have to look at the body of a dead child that got ahold of her drug dealer father's stash and overdosed, or have to take a report from a teenage girl that was just raped. There is no comparison. **We do not feel bonded to you in the slightest because of this comment and if anything we probably resent you a bit for comparing an office job to law enforcement.**

9. "Don't you miss him? Doesn't it upset you that he has to miss so much of your life and the lives of your children?"
No we like being single parents! We like having Christmas dinner a week after the day has passed because he had to work. We enjoy having to tell our children that daddy can't come to any of their sporting events because he works every Friday night. Are you nuts?! Of course we miss them. If we didn't we'd get divorced.

10. "There is really crime where you live? He could really get shot?"
This is almost like asking a Jewish person from Germany in the 40's who Hitler was, or if the sky is really blue. Don't you read the papers, or watch the news? YES. There is crime. Where there is crime, there are law enforcement officers. Do you think they are superheroes? Impenatrable to bullets? They're out there, on the forefront, protecting YOU, so you can sleep soundly in your bed at night. They're arresting drug dealers so they can't get your children addicted. No matter the size of the town, if it requires a police department, there is a very likely chance that there is at least a moderate crime rate. If there is violence, there s a chance he'll get injured in the line of duty. **Oh, and by the way, thanks for bringing that worry to the forefront of my mind again.**

11. "Well he signed up for it, so it's his own fault what ever happens. "
Yeah well your parents made you so what ever happened in your life they dealt with. Does that seem fair if you had uncontrollable sickness or handicap? Our husbands signed up, went through the Academy, leave their families each night and day to face God knows what...and for what? To protect you and your right to make stupid remarks about his choice. He didn't ask to be the bad guy for having to write a ticket, get hit with bullets, or see decomposing bodies. He didn't ask to see children abandoned by prostitute mothers, or teenagers addicted to heroin. He didn't ask to be called every name in the book because he has to write you a ticket or reprimand you for doing something stupid. He didn't ask for all the animosity he faces from people like you everyday....everyday that is until you need him to protect or serve you. Believe us when we say he sure as hell isn't doing it for the big paycheck, because we have yet to see one of those.

12. "Don't you miss the sex you could have all the time if he weren't working nights?! I couldn't do it!"
Well that'd be why you aren't a law enforcement wife/ girlfriend/fiancé. We know that sex is not the basis of a strong marriage/relationship but self control and being able to be self reliable. If sex holds your relationship together how sad. Love holds ours together. Oh, and so does sex in the morning, or afternoon, even if I'm a little tired in the morning going to work.

13. "Just call him. Just call him back. Etc.."
Oh sure! Do you happen to have the number of the drug dealer whose house he's standing outside of getting ready to break down the door for a SWAT raid? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to come outside and hand my husband the phone. Or, better yet, would you prefer my husband to answer the phone when I call or pull your family member from the wreckage of their car? It's not that easy to just pick up the phone and call him, even if he IS just a phone call away.

14. "Don't you worry he will be different...that the job will change him?"
Of course I worry he will be different as time passes, or that the job will harden him. How could I not be? He's not tanning on a beach in Tahiti every night-- he's looking at the worst of the worst. I worry he will harden his heart to everyone over time, including me and our children. I worry that he'll start looking at everyone who loves him and see the worst qualities in us all. But, I do know that in some aspects, there is nothing I can do. He will be different, the more he sees and the longer he's on the job. We will be different, because I will refuse to let him harden completely. Because we love each other everything will be just fine.

Now please shut up. You've given me a headache.*

I read this and absolutely loved it!!!!!