Friday, January 9, 2009

Bullet sickly updates :(

So I called the vet at 10 am this morning to check on my baby like they told me to do and the news was not so good. I was so excited and ready for the baby to come home today. Instead, they tell me that he has PARVO and needs to stay at least 5 nights which means he will be there at least 3 more if not more. I want him to stay and I want him to get better. I know this is the best for him. However, it is driving me absolutely insane. Immediately when I found out, I started bawling and squalling like a baby. What if something happens to him? No dog could ever replace my baby. It is amazing how just a year ago I was totally anti animal and within the last 8 months, I have made such a huge bond with my baby. I love that dog more than I ever thought would be possible. Anyways, they don't want anyone coming to see him because he is in quarantine (not the word the vet used but the same thing) so I will be more than ready to see my baby when he finally gets to come home. For any of you who does not know, Parvo can be very dangerous and deadly to a dog. The vet says Bullet is a big strong dog and should be fine. I am gonna call and get an update on him every morning and every afternoon and hope for the best. They originally thought it was a mixture between nerves from his surgery and a stomach virus like I had said previously. They thought parvo but noticed he had all 4 shots so did not figure that would be it so did not test for it. Just so happens that the shot is 99% effective so about 1 dog in 100 in the world will get it. Yeah my problem child (whom is my baby, don't get me wrong) would be the 1 to get it. They ended up testing for it today since he was just no better and it obviously came back positive. They said the good thing is what they have been doing to treat the stomach virus, is almost all the things they do for parvo therefore, hopefully we have kick started it. Pretty much the only new thing they are doing is pumping him full of IV fluid now and keeping on with his antibiotics for the nausea and diarrhea. The vet said he has only seen 4 that he can name off in his 20 years of being a vet that has ever gotten Parvo even after having all 4 shots. One that just happened about 5 years ago. The one that happened about 5 years ago, he called the Shot company and they took care off all vet bills after the vet proved all shots and everything was given just like it was supposed to be. The vet has called and waiting on a call back from them to see if they will cover ours. This will be a huge huge help after everything they have done for Bullet. Total he will be staying at least 5 night and he has had tons of shots and being pumped full of IV so God only knows how big the bill will be. This does not help much for the simple fact my baby is still sick and what if something does happen but will help us out. Everyone please keep the baby in your prayers. I will update when we hear anything new.

Sorry if I skipped around everywhere in this post. My head is not all hear right now and my eyes and head is hurting from crying. I think you can still make sense of everything though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just saw your myspace and had to come over here to see what the story is. I will really be thinking and praying for y'all. When Owen was about 8 months old he got the mange also called demodex mites and I was so upset and scared because it can get really bad. We were very lucky and he got better over a couple of months. I'm not much of an online forum user, but I didn't really know where to turn to during that and I found and posted some questions and asked for advice on their site. It really helped me a lot talking to people who had been through the same thing, so it's something you can check out if you have time. I'm in the same boat with you, our pups are our babies and best friends, so I know your going through a lot right now. Keep me updated! Love y'all!