Monday, January 12, 2009

Life is so Unpredictable

Today we talked to the guy about our heating unit. We still have not gotten it totally fixed due to the parts not being in yet. Little did we know, the part is not being made anymore so they are having to have it special made for our unit. We talked to our house insurance the other day and they did not question anything, they just said to have him fill out an estimate form and then to file a claim. The only thing is we have a $500 deductible. We told our Unit guy this today and he said he thought we would be much better off to just get a totally new unit if the insurance was gonna pay for it. He is going to write up everything for us and turn it in. Hopefully they will approve us to get a new one. This will be huge for us becuase we will then only be paying $500 for a totally new unit.

So today we called back to find out if the shot company was going to pay for Bullet's bill. They said all we have to do is sign off stating the vet can send Bullet's records to them and then they will take care of the whole thing for us. So they answer is YES. Thank God they are taking care of it, that helps us out so much.

We are looking so forward to bringing the baby home tomorrow. Trent mom wants to throw Bullet a welcome home party this weekend. She has somewhere to be tomorrow and I will then not be off till Saturday that is why we will wait 4 days after he gets home but I can not wait. It will be so cute and fun. You know I will have to post pictures of that.

Anyways the subject of this blog seems to fit us perfect right now. Seems like you just never know what gonna happen these days. We though we would just replace the parts to the unit. Who knows, we may just get a total new one. And Bullet, never would have thought everything would have gotten paid for but it is. We Thank God for being so good to us and helping us out financially in so many ways. Everything seems to be falling right into place.

Anywho, more to come tomorrow

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