Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sigh of Relief

Well we found out today, that as of now we are covered under warranty on our unit. Everything is good to go. Now we are just waiting for our parts to come in for everything to be totally fixed. Thank God we are covered under warranty and will hopefully only have to pay for labor. We do know that there is one part that cost like $38 dollars I think and that is not covered but the rest should be covered no problem. This is such a sigh of relief for us knowing that Christmas season has just come and gone (everyone knows how expensive that can get), we have my test coming up in March which has to be paid for by February, and a few other things that have to be paid for therefore being covered by warranty is huge.

Speaking of my test, yet again, I need Huge Huge prayers. Hopefully 3rd time truly is a charm. Lets hope so at least.

So the other night, me and Trent went with his parents to see Marley and me. That movie is the best. I loved it. However, they should warn you that it will be sad. I thought it was going to be a cute, funny movie and I came out of the thing bawling like a baby. Obviously the movie is about a lab and Bullet is a lab. Me and Trent could not help but to laugh about pretty much everything in the movie because the movie truly shows such a typical lab. We have basically experienced pretty much everything with Bullet. Bullet has not chewed our furniture but I think that is about the only thing he hasn't done. Bullet has chewed the wall, chewed almost anything around, tries to get in the shower with me when I am in there, hyper, spastic, jumps all over ya, and the funniest of all is we gave Bullet his little pep talk about getting nuetered just like the movie. We just couldn't help but crack up. It is so funny how I used to not be an animal lover but that movie made me come home and love love love on my Bully. I just love my little Bully so much. He is doing great from his surgery. He seems to have fully re cooperated but he is still very calm. Is he gonna stay this way? It can't be so. lol. I just never ever figured he would stay this calm. It has been a week today and me and Trent are figuring if he were gonna hype back up, he would have already done it. Who knows, I guess we will see.

I guess that is all for now but figured I would let everyone know about the unit update.

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