Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Well, I still haven't started so we took another test today and it came back a BIG FAT NEGATIVE just as expected.  I am sure some are thinking well you haven't started yet so you could still be but I have cycles that range from 27-33 days and today I am on CD30 therefore I am still not late.  Again, I feel it coming therefore we pretty much know it is gonna happen.

We are preparing for IUI #3 and will be doing it again this month or beginning of next whenever the 2 weeks fall after CD1.  We have decided that we won't take a break.  We are just so ready to be parents that we are going to do whatever it takes to make it happen. 

I am going to suggest we do things a little differently this time.  I hope they will agree with me and I feel as a patient that it should be our choice and if we are willing to spend the extra money then that should be up to us.  I wanted to do it for IUI #2 however, I thought I was just being silly but the more I think about it, the more I really feel like I should atleast suggest it.  Usually the routine is go in on CD13 or 14 to check the egg follicles and if they are ready, get the Ovidrel trigger shot and return the next day for IUI.

Now, let me break things down a little.  After the Ovidrel shot, you should ovulate 24-36 hours later.  Thawed sperm does not live even half as long as fresh sperm does.  According to California CryoBank Lab Managers- Washed sperm is supposed to only live for 6-12 hours, but sometimes as long as 24 so the ideal window is really within 6-12 hours of the egg being released.  We have had IUI #1 approx 24-25 hours after the shot and IUI #2 approx 28-29 hours after the shot.  So, my question is are we not timing it perfect?  Am I actually ovulating more around that 36 hour window instead of 24?  Remember, I do have long cycles so this is very possible for me (in my mind atleast I feel like I am thinking straight). 

So here is my suggestion for them which I feel is totally legitimate.  Go in CD 13 or 14 as usual and if everything looks good, go ahead and get the Ovidrel trigger shot which should make me ovulate 24-36 hours later.  Go back in the next day, and instead of automatically having IUI, have another ultrasound to see if I have ovulated and if I have, go ahead and do IUI.  If I have not ovulated, schedule an appointment to return again the next day and do another ultrasound to see if I have ovulated.  Keep repeating ultrasounds until I have ovulated and then do IUI the day that the ultrasound shows ovulation.  I think the most we should have to do is 3-4 ultrasounds.  1 to check egg follicles and then 2-3 to see if I have ovulated.  Doing the numerous ultrasounds will GUARANTEE ovulation and a better timed IUI.

Please if I am thinking crazy, someone tell me but we feel like my thoughts behind all this is totally legitimate. 

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as I know everyone has but we are just so ready for everything to happen and fall right into place.  We absolutely could not have a better Christmas present than to find out we are expecting right at Christmas.  Of course calculations are ranging because I don't know when CD1 is or what day IUI #3 will be yet but it appears we will be testing 5-10 days prior to Christmas.  We pray we will have us a wonderful Christmas instead of a miserable one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think that you are crazy. I have a REALLY LONG cycle...almost 40 days! You should do what you think is best.

- Kara Love